Monday, September 21, 2009

On-line Seminary

I decided that I better take a paragraph to explain the new seminary program we have here, because we will be talking a lot about it in our reports. There are several ways to do seminary - released time, early morning, and two kinds of home study. In Home study the students do their own work 4 days a week, and on the 5th day there is a lesson from a teacher - maybe a teacher, or neighbor, or whom ever. Because the success of this program depends on the student's willingness to do 4 lessons alone, and on the parent's (or whomever) willingness to do a weekly lesson, only 25% of the students complete the year. With the advent of the internet and a computer in every home, it didn't take long to put together an on-line program. It's a pilot program in 55 English speaking areas this year, from Hawaii, across America (including Olathe, Kansas and our stake in Bismarck) in England, and even in the United Arab Emerates. A stake teacher runs the class from her computer, and the students go on-line 4 days a week (any time convenient for them) and complete a lesson each day. The lessons are colorful, interesting, use imbedded videos and forums where all students can answer the question and work together on an idea. Their individual responses come to the teacher, who can reply back to them specifically. Then once a week the teacher gets the class together, either in person, on a Skype audio program, or by what they call here "phone bridge." (the old "conference call") That is what we will try on Monday.

Steve/Dad and I are the teachers in our stake. We have 8 students in our class. Most are on the western side of our stake and state. We drove around once to meet them and get the necessary signatures. This Fri/Sat we drove around to see them in person, encourage, and see how they like the program. One young woman was working in a cafe after school. We stopped for milk shakes and a "hello." Two were playing football Friday night and we went to their game. (I think we drove 350 miles Friday)--just an ordinary day for us!) Today on the way home we stopped at a few homes and saw the families and students. This is a great option for kids who live too far away from a daily seminary option. We hope it will be successful in our stake. It keeps us busy each morning reading their responses and writing them back.

Last week we had a 2 hour bridge call with teachers in the program - it was kind of cool to be linked with teachers from Hawaii to England. They had to work hard to find a time that would work for all those time zones!

Besides our 8 on line students, we have a few other on the old home study program (either they didn't have a fast computer or their parents didn't want the on-line program), and 5 daily classes. We are just starting to visit them again. And we visit the two institute programs also. Our schedule will start to get busy again. We are grateful for the beautiful weather right now that makes the traveling so enjoyable. It's a time of harvest here, and there is a lot to see. It's been a great growing season in North Dakota.

We still have lots of interaction with our young Elders in all these locations. Last week we were able to help our Bismarck Elders teach a lesson in our home. We have district meeting every week we are here, and feed them afterwards. This next week we will be checking their apartments and cars and taking them to breakfast or lunch. They are great young men. And we are working on a Bismarck Stake Young Single Adult Conference for October. YSAs will come from several stakes for a 3 day conference here.

We worry in terms of HR (300 people), but actually there will only be 80 - much more manageable.

Well, that's a run down on how we are filling our time. We're happy and healthy.

Love - Kris/Mom

1 comment:

  1. Kris and Steve:

    Sounds like you are having way too much fun.
    Good for you!!!! The online Seminary program sounds perfect for those that need it. I am glad you are able to participate.

    Stake Conference was this past weekend and they even broadcast it via the web to the new WildCat Reserve Building. Pretty neat.

    Kaye and I did the Choir. It was a wonderful conference all the way from music to the talks.

    You probably know that Mitch and Joyce are now serving in the Denver South Mission Presidency. They both spoke at our Conference.

    We love ya, like ya and think you're cute

    Pam and Kurt Kammeyer
