Thursday, June 18, 2009

On the Road Again.... (humming)

The trusty road warriors have been on the road again. As with anything done over and over, we are getting very good at packing, living out of the car, driving several hours at a time. We really enjoy the spring greenery all around - it is beautiful in all directions.

Tuesday we had District Meeting at our house, and fed the missionaries lunch afterwards. What great young men. When they sing together, teach, and testify there is a wonderful spirit in our home.

Wednesday morning we packed the car and drove to Minot, 2 hours north of us. We attended the Minot District Meeting, inspected some missionary apartments and cars, and did some other CES things while in town. We stayed overnight at our favorite bed and breakfast, the Dakota Rose.

After breakfast the next morning we drove 2 hours back to Bismarck, quickly grabbed a few things we needed, and drove on to Pierre, about 4 hours south of us. We met with the new Senior missionary couple there, the Faerbers from Idaho Falls. They are part time proselyting missionaries and part time CES missionaries for the Pierre District. We did a little training about CES things for them. We had dinner with them and the full time Elders in Pierre that night.

Thursday we worked with them again in the morning, took them to lunch, and then drove 3 hours west to Rapid City So. Dakota. We stopped at the famous (at least in billboards all over the western US) Wall Drug. We didn't buy anything, but did see lots of tourists and lots of tourist trinkets. On to Rapid City, where we attended a Young Single Adult conference Friday night and Saturday during the day.

Friday night they had games and treats at the stake center there. Saturday we had breakfast at the church, a service project at a local Children's playground, a trip to Mt. Rushmore, and lunch in a nearyby city park. That evening they had special speakers and a very nice dinner and dance at the church. We really enjoyed getting to meet the YSAs from Rapid City, Sioux City (SD), and Gilette, Wyoming.

Today is Sunday, and we got up very early to drive 5 hours north and NW to attend church in Dickinson, North Dakota. That is one of our Bismrack Stake branches (also seminary class), so we knew a few people. They had a regular 3 hour block church, and we got to know some of the people there, before driving 2 more hours east to Bismarck. I hope that makes sort of a square.

Someone will add up hours and directions and figure out we should be somewhere in Nebraska or Montana. Chalk it up to my sense of direction. At least we got home! Tonight we will attend our Bismarck Ward YSA fireside. It's all good.

The weather has been very nice/some rain but easy driving and we are in good health. Watch for postcards from Mt. Rushmore next week.

Thanks for emails, letters, calls, pictures. We love hearing from you.

Love you-Mom/Kris/a.k.a Sr. Harris :)

p.s. - today we passed North Dakota's highest "peak" - 3118 feet. Anyone wanting to climb the tallest mtn in any state might as well start with North Dakota.

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